Posted by anzky - February 21st, 2023
this time though, instead of wanting to draw my sona, it's my oc, BEIN!!
"Draw him building an old PC from that time"
"draw em looking at aol waiting for it to load"
"Bein playing a beat-e-mup at the local arcade."
"bein pirates music"
"bein somehow sprains his ankle and skins his knee at the same time trying to skate"
"bein goes to the nearby video rental store for a movie night"
"He sees the future, How? I dont know"
PROBABLY!! it might take a bit though, i do have a life (just a little).
var anzky = true;
Posted by anzky - February 20th, 2023
so... YOU now have the power to make my draw my sona doing literally ANYTHING.
(here's a ref, just in case you don't know what it looks like.)
i'll try my best to do most of them! keep in mind, they'll probably be sketches.
"draw ur sona as a pony"
"Your sona has the high ground. It's over Anakin."
"hitting a slam dunk"
"surfing on sonic the hedgehog"
"chainsaw man but you"
"eating pink glitter glue"
"draw ur sona doing that one leaning tower of pisa pose"
"Your sona deserves to have a nice hot meal, like a burger or something."
"eat chip"
"Draw them petting Snick. NOW- (please)"
"washing their detached ears in the sink"
"Draw ur sona accidentally burning toast >:)"
var anzky = true;
Posted by anzky - February 10th, 2023
(well, on the internet i am now. it'll take a while for real me to catch up.)
what do i mean by that? i have short hair and a deep voice.
i'm absolutely plaaning on learning voice training and growing my hair out, but of course that takes a long while.
but for now, absorb this information into your brain. (and yes, you can still use they/them pronouns.)
i'm working on something that starts with an "a", ends with a "m", and has "lbu" in the middle.
unfortunately, writing songs just to be on an album is an awful idea.
so! i found a technique from a small lesser-known band by the name of..
they write a bunch of songs (most of which suck) but then they pick the BEST ones, finish them and polish them
and then...
a l b u m .
that part is actually going great! making a 30-30 (30 songs that last for around 30 seconds).
it will be a while until something comes of it.
keep your eye out for any openings. it'll have some fresh air of music.
oopsies! been kinda slacking on making it. i slack on everything. oops! still not canceled so uhh, yeah.
next update coming when i fart (women don't fart)
var anzky = true;
Posted by anzky - January 20th, 2023
what's up guys ! if you've been living under a rock with my art for the past month, well...
that rubi game has been put on hold, and in its place, i'm revisiting (and hopefully finishing) a game i've thought of long ago.
what is it?
well uhh, i've changed the concept a lot. i'll just share what i have now.
there's this guy named bein.
it's about him and his struggles fitting in and being happy. that's as much as i'll say here. right now, it's also planned to be a point and click adventure game, but it's changed at least 3 times, so don't hold me to any of this.
you may be asking: "WOW!! THIS IS AWESOME!! WHEN CAN I PLAY THIS??"
the answer is:
i'm still figuring out and writing plot details.
i'm not even on the game yet.
it will most likely be YEARS until you get to see it.
tone and comedy:
dark and pretty heavy. it definitely will have humor, but it knows when to use it. as for the characters, they're gonna come out different then they were at the beginning, but i hope you take it as for the better.
anyways enough talking. i'll run out of things to say anyways. unless i get into... the plot.
var anzky = true;
Posted by anzky - November 6th, 2022
gee, what was i thinking ?
using twitter to post my garbage when no one saw it anyways, and NOW i'll have to PAY for people to see it??
no. tired of putting up with all that garbage.
tired of seeing people fight over things they shouldn't even be involved in but due to the internet, have become consumed by.
so, moving here for real.
a lot has changed while i was gone. i'm making a new game that most likely won't be finished soon. there's also the whole "basically rediscovering your identity" thing too (i'm an enby !!).
now i have a place that's more than tolerable. thanks elon, for getting me to waking up and deciding to no longer put up with all that bs.
expect more here soon.
var anzky = true;
Posted by anzky - July 28th, 2022
i am newgrounds now!
so uhh idk what i'll post on here BUT...
maybe i might learn how to make a game on godot
so then i can post it here.
it would be a short game probably, don't expect much.
(p.s - i was done writing and then i put a "hello"
as the tag but the first thing that came up with an h was very gross
(use your imagination) and how common is it on newgrounds???
is it literally that bad???)